


Section 1: The official name of the organization shall be the Idaho Young Republican Federation.
Section 2: The accepted abbreviation shall be IYR and the accepted short name shall be Idaho Young Republicans. Use hereinafter of the accepted abbreviation or short name are adopted as references to the Idaho Young Republican Federation.


Section 1: The Idaho Young Republicans are comprised of volunteers throughout the state of Idaho. Our aim is to develop young conservative voices that energetically and effectively support Republican candidates and policies. Our objectives include:
(a) Developing an intelligent and effective Republican volunteer organization dedicated to growing the Republican party by holding fast to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace;
(b) Encouraging young people to pursue leadership positions in Idaho communities and to run for political office;
(c) Supporting and participating in the development of the Republican party’s platform and policies;
(d) Bringing young people into the Republican party by providing them with opportunities for leadership, political expression and recognition;
(e) Helping elect Republicans to public office;
(f) Promoting good government at all levels.


Section 1: Individuals who are equal to or between the age of eighteen (18) and forty (40) who are registered to vote in Idaho and affiliated with the Republican Party are eligible for membership. An individual becomes a member by paying dues of ten dollars ($10) for general membership. Student memberships are free. Applicants for membership must submit a form indicating the applicant’s name, address, phone number, birthday, and email address. Once submitted to the IYR, the Chairman shall accept the application if the applicant meets the qualifications established herein and have the Secretary enter said the applicant’s information in a database. The duration of membership in the IYR is from the time the Chairman accepts application and dues until the adjournment of the next convention.
Section 2: An IYR member may not have membership revoked without a unanimous vote of the IYR Executive Board.
Section 3: Any Idaho Republican office holder may be nominated as an “honorary member” of the IYR by a member of the Executive Board and accepted as voted on by a majority of the Executive Board.
Section 4: The IYR Executive Board has the right to temporarily adjust the required membership fee, if deemed appropriate, by a simple majority of the IYR Executive Board. This should be in alignment with membership drives, marketing events, or otherwise identified reasons.


Section 1: IYR Executive Board members must be an IYR member and be registered to vote as a Republican in the State of Idaho and be equal to or between the ages of 18 and 40.


Section 1: IYR shall be operated and managed by an Executive Board consisting of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall be elected at each biennial convention by a majority of delegates with nominations made from the floor. The terms of Executive Board officers shall last from the time of election until a successor is elected or appointed.
Section 3: Vacancies on the Executive Board will be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Board.
Section 4: Members of the Executive Board are expected to attend IYR meetings, functions, conventions, etc. or communicate with the Chairman an inability to attend any meeting, function, convention, etc.
Section 5: The Executive Board shall be required to act ethically and morally.
Section 6: Resignations shall be made in writing or via e-mail to the Executive Board.
Section 7: In the event a member of the Executive Board fails to perform duties as defined in IYR by-laws the Executive Board may choose to remove the person by unanimous consent of the remaining members of the Executive Board at a duly called meeting of the Executive Board.
Section 8: A quorum is a majority of the Executive Board whether in person or by proxy.
Section 9: Proxy: An IYR Executive Board officer may by provide another Executive Board officer with a written or e-mailed proxy. Each proxy shall be a separate document and shall state the name of the IYR Executive Board Officer who will be absent, the name of the person who will be present and will exercise said proxy, and the meeting for which the proxy is conferred. The original written or e-mailed proxy shall be in the physical possession of the person who will be present and exercising said proxy, and surrendered to the Secretary at the commencement of said meeting. Persons voting by proxy count toward the quorum requirement of the IYR Executive Board.
Section 10: Meeting notification shall be made in writing or via e-mail within 3 days of the meeting unless business of the meeting shall include filling of a vacancy, removal of a person from office, or an amendment of by-laws, in which 10 business days notice is required.
Section 11: Idaho Young Republicans, as an entity, and/or its Executive Board Members within their official IYR capacity may not endorse any candidate during the Republican Primary process. If an IYR Executive Board member chooses to endorse a specific candidate, it must be made clear that the endorsement comes in a personal capacity and has no affiliation with the Idaho Young Republicans organization.


Section 1: Chairman: The Chairman shall call and preside over all meetings of the IYR Executive Board. The Chairman shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the IYR and shall exercise general supervision over the work and activities of the IYF. The Chairman may appoint positions and committees that shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman.
Section 2: Vice Chairman: The Vice Chairman shall perform such duties as directed by the Chairman. In the event the Chairman is temporarily absent or unable to perform his/her duties, the Vice Chairman shall preside and perform the duties of the chairman.
Section 3: Secretary: The Secretary shall be the recording and corresponding officer of the IYR. The Secretary shall perform such additional duties as assigned by the Chairman. The Secretary shall record and distribute records from meetings, conventions and other functions and be responsible for maintaining all IYR records, including but not limited to historical records, media records and membership database.
Section 4: Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and account for the funds of the IYR under the supervision and discretion of the IYR Executive Board. The Treasurer shall make an annual financial report to the IYR Executive Board. The Treasurer, at the IYR Executive Board meeting following election shall submit a budget for the term, subject to approval by the IYR Executive Board. The Treasurer shall disperse IYR funds, as directed by the IYR Chairman in accordance with the budget approval by the IYR Executive Board.
Section 5: National Committeeman and National Committeewoman: The National Committeeman and National Committeewoman shall represent the IYR on the National Committee, shall be a spokesperson for the IYR to the National Committee, shall convey National Committee Policy to the IYR, and shall carry out all other duties and responsibilities as they may see fit to properly represent the IYR.


Section 1: Regions will be defined in accordance with the ten (10) State Regions for the State of Idaho as defined in the Idaho State Republican Party Rules.
Section 2: Region organizations may begin the chartering process by submitting a letter to the IYR Executive Board identifying officers for the region.
Section 3: Upon preliminary written approval from the Executive Board, the region shall have 60 days to submit the following to the Executive Board:
(a) Region by-laws, not to conflict with IYR or YRNF by-laws, to the Executive Committee for approval. Adoption of state by-laws is also acceptable.
(b) Meeting minutes from at least one meeting as an organized body, indicating election of officers. c. Names, addresses, telephone numbers and birth dates of all Regional officers and members.
Section 4: When Section 3 of this Article has been submitted to the Executive Board, the Board shall vote at its next regular meeting on whether to grant a charter to the granting Regional Young Republican Organization.
Section 5: Each chartered regional Idaho Young Republican organization shall submit to the Secretary of the IYR, no later than October 31 of each year, in a format determined by the Executive Board Secretary, a current list of its officers and membership including the name, address, phone number, email address and birth date.
Section 6: No more than one regional Idaho Young Republican Organization shall be granted Charter in a single Region.
Section 7: In the event a regional chapter, or any of its officers or members, violates the bylaws of the Idaho Young Republicans, those persons or the chapter may face disciplinary hearings from the IYR Executive Board. The IYR Executive Board will conduct an investigation and may issue punishments of censorship, removal of delegates from the convention, or in extreme cases, removal and disaffiliation with Idaho Young Republicans. Censure may be conducted with a ¾ majority vote of the Executive Board members but removal of delegates and expulsion must receive a unanimous vote by the IYR Executive Board members.


Section 1: The IYR is required to conduct at least one meeting annually of the membership in addition to regularly scheduled conventions as defined in these by-laws.


Section 1: Conventions will occur in conjunction with the Idaho Republican Party State Central Committee meeting held in January of odd numbered years, or some other convenient time and location that the Executive Board timely designates in that month.
Section 2: The IYR Executive Board shall have supervision and management of all Conventions of the IYR and shall create the official program and order of business.
Section 3: Meeting notification shall be mailed or e-mailed by the Secretary of the IYR, including the time and place of the Convention to the membership of the IYR and Executive Board at least 30 days prior to the date of the convention.
Section 4: The officers of each Convention shall be the officers of the IYR.
Section 5: The Chairman shall appoint a Credentials Committee, the procedure for determination of which shall be approved by the IYR Executive Board 14 days prior to the convention.
Section 6: Delegates of a convention shall consist only for IYR members.
Section 7: Credentials need to be received no later than 7 days prior to convention and shall include age, name, address, phone number, and e-mail address. The IYR Secretary shall confirm IYR membership upon receiving credentials.
Section 8: The IYR Board shall ensure Delegates not physically present at Convention can vote at Convention through electronic or telephonic means.
Section 9: Resolutions and other motions shall be accepted from the floor.
Section 10: No Delegate shall address the Convention for longer than five (5) minutes at one time, except as provided in the orders of the day or by a majority vote of the Delegates of the Convention.


Section 1: The fiscal term of the IYR shall be the calendar year (January 1 – December 31).
Section 2: The IYR have an annual financial report presented to the IYR Executive Board.
Section 3: The IYR Executive Board shall institute a double entry system of accounts.
Section 4: A budget shall be submitted to the IYR Executive Board at a meeting following election for the upcoming term. This budget shall be subject to approval by the IYR Executive Board.
Section 5: Each budget shall specify the purpose and the amount of each appropriation and include a statement of estimated revenues.
Section 6: IYR funds shall only be dispersed as directed by the IYR Chairman in accordance with the budget approval by the IYR Executive Board.
Section 7: IYR funds shall be made by check or other commonly accepted disbursement practice which provides for accountability.


Section 1: The IYR shall follow the dispute resolution procedures as defined in the Young Republican National Federation, Inc. by-laws.


SECTION 1. STANDING COMMITTEES: Standing Committees of the Idaho Young Republicans shall be Bylaws and Resolutions.

SECTION 2. DUTIES OF STANDING COMMITTEES:  (a) Bylaws. The Bylaws Committee, consisting of a non-voting chairman (from the Executive Board of Idaho Young Republicans chosen by the Chair) and seven (7) members of Idaho Young Republicans , shall receive, consider, and report written bylaws as described below.

(1) Receive. Bylaws may be introduced by one of three methods. They may be introduced during New Business at a regular Idaho Young Republicans meeting by any Idaho Young Republicans member and immediately referred by the Chairman to the Bylaws Committee or they may be submitted directly to the Bylaws Committee by transmitting them directly to both the Secretary and the Bylaws Committee Chairman no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Bylaws Committee shall hold an open meeting on the third Friday of each month to consider all resolutions before it. The Secretary shall transmit to all Idaho Young Republicans members a notice of the meeting 48 hours prior. The notice shall include the date, time, location, the text of all resolutions to be considered and the names of committee members proposing the resolution.

(2)Consider. The Committee will consider all resolutions before it and shall vote to report every Bylaw to the full Idaho Young Republicans at its next meeting with a recommendation of “do pass,” or “do not pass.” The Committee may amend the bylaw and, if amended, shall report to the Idaho Young Republicans the amended text, showing those portions struck and inserted by the Committee. The Committee may also put a resolution into proper form without showing such changes provided that no substantive changes to the language are made.

  1. Before considering bylaws the Committee will determine that the proposed resolution is written and legible.
  2. Where two (2) bylaws address the same topic or idea, the Committee may combine them where this can be done without changing the intent of either. The committee shall include both original bylaws and the combined bylaws in  its report.
  3. “Emergency” bylaws not received in writing by the Committee at least 72 hours before the meeting shall require a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Bylaws Committee to be considered.

(3) Report. The Bylaws Committee Chairman or his designee shall provide the Secretary with a copy of the report within 48 hours of the meeting and the Secretary shall distribute the report to the Idaho Young Republican members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. During new business, the Bylaws Committee Chairman shall present the full report to the Idaho Young Republicans for its consideration and move that all Bylaws be adopted or rejected en bloc based on the recommendation of the Committee. The question of adopting the report may be divided on the request of any one member to permit a separate vote on any or all resolutions.

(b)Resolutions. The Resolutions Committee, consisting of a non-voting chairman (from the Executive Board of Idaho Young Republicans chosen by the Chair) and seven (7) members of Idaho Young Republicans , shall receive, consider, and report all written resolutions as described below.

(1) Receive. Resolutions may be introduced by one of three methods. They may be introduced during New Business at a regular Idaho Young Republicans meeting by any Idaho Young Republicans member and immediately referred by the Chairman to the Resolutions Committee or they may be submitted directly to the Resolutions Committee by transmitting them directly to both the Secretary and the Resolutions Committee Chairman no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting. The Resolutions Committee shall hold an open meeting on the third Friday of each month to consider all resolutions before it. The Secretary shall transmit to all Idaho Young Republicans members a notice of the meeting 48 hours prior. The notice shall include the date, time, location, the text of all resolutions to be considered and the names of committee members proposing the resolution.

(2)Consider. The Committee will consider all resolutions before it and shall vote to report every resolution to the full Idaho Young Republicans at its next meeting with a recommendation of “do pass,” or “do not pass.” The Committee may amend the resolution and, if amended, shall report to the Idaho Young Republicans the amended text, showing those portions struck and inserted by the Committee. The Committee may also put a resolution into proper form without showing such changes provided that no substantive changes to the language are made.

  1. Before considering resolutions, the Committee will determine that the proposed resolution is written and legible.
  2. Where two (2) resolutions address the same topic or idea, the Committee may combine them where this can be done without changing the intent of either. The committee shall include both original resolutions and the combined resolution in its report.
  3. “Emergency” resolutions not received in writing by the Committee at least 72 hours before the meeting shall require a four-fifths (4/5) vote of the Resolutions Committee to be considered.

(3) Report. The Committee Chairman or his designee shall provide the Secretary with a copy of the report within 48 hours of the meeting and the Secretary shall distribute the report to the Idaho Young Republican members at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. During new business, the Resolutions Committee Chairman shall present the full report to the Idaho Young Republicans for its consideration and move that all resolutions be adopted or rejected en bloc based on the recommendation of the Committee. The question of adopting the report may be divided on the request of any one member to permit a separate vote on any or all resolutions.

SECTION 3. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Special Committees of the Idaho Young Republicans may be created as needed by the Idaho Young Republicans Chairman.


Section 1: Roberts Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters of procedure not otherwise specifically stated.


Section 1: Any convention delegate may propose an amendment to the bylaws by submitting a proposed amendment in electronic form to the IYR Secretary or Chairman at least twenty-one (21) days before the convention. No delegate may submit more than two (2) proposed amendments at a convention. The IYR Secretary will circulate copies of each proposed amendment, if any, to the email address of record to each delegate at least seven (7) days prior to the convention. Proposed amendments will be adopted by majority vote of the convention.
Section 2: When the IYR is not meeting in convention, the IYR Executive Board may adopt amendments to the bylaws with a two-thirds (2/3) vote. The IYR Secretary will circulate any proposed amendment to the email address of record for each IYR member. The IYR Executive Board may not take final action on a proposed amendment until ten (10) days after the proposed amendment was circulated to IYR members. If no action is taken by the Executive Board within thirty (30) days after circulating the proposed amendments to IYR membership, the proposed amendment will be deemed to not have been adopted.
Section 3: No single proposed amendment, whether proposed by a delegate at convention or by the IYR Executive Board, may delete, add, or alter language in more than one article of these bylaws. In order for a proposed amendment to be adopted, it must be voted on individually and meet the voting thresholds established in this article. unless the following requirements are met:

“(a)If a proposed amendment contains revisions in multiple Articles of these rules:

(1) When amended at a convention – the vote shall require a 2/3 majority to pass

(2) When amended by the IYR Executive Committee – the vote shall require unanimous approval of the voting membership of the Executive Committee”


Section 1: The style guide for the IYR bylaws is as follows:
Article: Article I, Article II, Article III, Article IV
Section: Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, Section 4
Subsection: (a) (b) (c) (d)
Paragraph: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Subparagraph: (A) (B) (C) (D)
Clause: (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
Section 2: The Chairman and the IYR Executive Board will ensure that the bylaws and any proposed amendments to the bylaws comply with the style guide in this article.


Last updated  January 2025 Convention (7 to 10 regions and having standing committees)

June 2022 Executive Board (IDYR to IYR)


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