Volunteer Opportunity

Volunteer Campaign Opportunity/Natalie M Fleming for US Senate


Summary: Social media outreach, Meet and greets, door knocking, phone banking Statewide


Put your mad social media skills to work. Put all your awesome skills to work. Join us as we take over the state. Now you can tell your mother all that time you spent on social media was to save the world.

Opportunity Duration: from now until May 17, then hopefully to November 8th 2022

Pay Description: That feel good feeling of saving the world.

Date & Time

Start Date: April 9, 2022

Get Started

Instructions: Contact the team through [email protected] and we'll put you to work saving the world. Check out www.natalieisawesome.com to see if you are a good fit.

Opportunity Host: Natalie M Fleming for US Senate

Contact Name: Natalie Fleming

Contact Title: Boss woman

Contact Email: [email protected]

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